Mrs. Carly Bestor » Advanced Honors Supply List

Advanced Honors Supply List



     If you cannot find or afford the required supplies below you will need to contact Mrs. Bestor IMMEDIATELY! Students enrolled in this course NEED these supplies to be successful.



- Mixed Media Sketchbook: It needs to be 9" x  12" (any smaller will not be permitted). It also needs to be spiral or hard bound. This sketchbook needs to be Mixed Media because students will be painting projects inside of them. I highly suggest the Strathmore brand because of the quality and weight of the paper, as well as your student's level in art (pictured below). 

- #2 Ticonderoga Pencils

- Handheld Pencil Sharpener (metal preferred)

- Glue Sticks (3 pack)

- 12 Inch Ruler

- Eraser: Kneaded or vinyl. 

- Scissors